- FEAPRO Copyright 2003-2013
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- Tel:+86-21-51097827 Fax:+86-21-51096351
Multi-body Dynamics
MBD (Multi-Body Dynamics) analyzes the response of a system in the time domain. Mechanical constraints, such as joints, forces, and contacts, connect the bodies in the system. Analysis is based on the time integration algorithm and Newton’s equations of motion.
FEAPro Engineering provides a fast and acurate multi-body dynamics simulation solution including Pre- and Post-Processor, MBD solver. The Pre-Processor lets you model the mechanical system and the Post-Processor lets you view the results as animations and graphs.
Character of the advanced MBD solver:
- Applies the Recursive Formulation, based on a relative coordinate system
- Applies the Implicit Integrator to maximize the performance of the Recursive Formulation
- Implicit G-Alpha
- Track G-Alpha
Advanced toolkits for
Chain Toolkit solution provides you with convenient and specialized tools to build 3D chain drive systems independently. You can extract more realistic analysis results using the efficient and advanced analysis methods of Chain Toolkit.
Noise and vibration cause the most problems in chain systems, because of higher speeds and lighter components. Each component has characteristics of vibration according to engine speed and loading condition. Chain Toolkit solution provides you with analysis results of these vibration characteristics and an advanced analysis environment to help you improve the durability and quality of your chain drive system.
Belt drives are used in a wide variety of power transmission applications, from automotive timing and front-end accessory drives, to lawn mowers, washing machines, and road milling equipment. All these application have been difficult and time-consuming to analyze with CAE tools...until now. With the Belt Toolkit solution you can create, wrap, and analyze belt drives from simple to very complex 3D geometries.
Functions of Belt toolkit solution
- Rigid body assembly with flat, V, Ribbed V, Timing shape
- Beam belt assembly with Round, Flat, V, Timing shape
- Shell belt assembly for wide width belt
- Various rollers, such as roller, V-pulley, flange, ribbed V-pulley contacted to belt
- Crown roller for free shape
Gear toolkit solution provides easier modeling and analysis of complicated gear train system in a friendly graphical user interface. It analyzes vibration characteristics and DTE (Dynamic Transmission Error), which occur from real contact phenomena between gear teeth, considering user-defined backlash and tolerance. Its post-processor provides information about the contact normal force and friction force on contact point at each time step.
Functions of Gear toolkit solution
- Gear Types
- Spur
- Helical
- QFB (Qusai-FlexibleBody)
- Scissors
- Spur-Internal
- Helical Internal
- Bevel (Straight, Spiral, Zerol)
- Worm and Worm (Single-enveloped)
- Gear Contact Element
- 2D Contact
- 3D Contact
MMS toolkits solution provides a special environment to analyze dynamic characteristics according to the nonlinearity and mass distribution in real spring models. MMS includes four types of multi-mass spring as bellows.
MMS toolkit solution for Multi-mass Spring System
- Type A : One dimensional discrete model
- Type B : Algorithm from BMW AG
- One-dimensional multi-mass model, including nonlinear characteristic
- Damping model according to displacement
- Pre-calculation of characteristic curve using interpolation method
- Type C : Two-dimensional pitch spring model (1D )
- Type D : Flexible beam element
- Nonlinear Characteristics
- Self Contact
- Double spring (Inner and outer)
Multi-body Dynamics solution for Engine
Chain Toolkit solution provides you with convenient and specialized tools to build 3D chain drive systems independently. You can extract more realistic analysis results using the efficient and advanced analysis methods of Chain Toolkit.
Noise and vibration cause the most problems in chain systems, because of higher speeds and lighter components. Each component has characteristics of vibration according to engine speed and loading condition. Chain Toolkit solution provides you with analysis results of these vibration characteristics and an advanced analysis environment to help you improve the durability and quality of your chain drive system.
Belt drives are used in a wide variety of power transmission applications, from automotive timing and front-end accessory drives, to lawn mowers, washing machines, and road milling equipment. All these application have been difficult and time-consuming to analyze with CAE tools...until now. With the Belt Toolkit solution you can create, wrap, and analyze belt drives from simple to very complex 3D geometries.
Gear toolkit solution provides easier modeling and analysis of complicated gear train system in a friendly graphical user interface. It analyzes vibration characteristics and DTE (Dynamic Transmission Error), which occur from real contact phenomena between gear teeth, considering user-defined backlash and tolerance. Its post-processor provides information about the contact normal force and friction force on contact point at each time step.
Functions of Gear toolkit solution
- Gear Types
- Spur
- Helical
- QFB (Qusai-FlexibleBody)
- Scissors
- Spur-Internal
- Helical Internal
- Bevel (Straight, Spiral, Zerol)
- Worm and Worm (Single-enveloped)
- Gear Contact Element
- 2D Contact
- 3D Contact
MMS toolkits solution provides a special environment to analyze dynamic characteristics according to the nonlinearity and mass distribution in real spring models. MMS includes four types of multi-mass spring as bellows.
MMS toolkit solution for Multi-mass Spring System
- Type A : One dimensional discrete model
- Type B : Algorithm from BMW AG
- One-dimensional multi-mass model, including nonlinear characteristic
- Damping model according to displacement
- Pre-calculation of characteristic curve using interpolation method
- Type C : Two-dimensional pitch spring model (1D )
- Type D : Flexible beam element
- Nonlinear Characteristics
- Self Contact
- Double spring (Inner and outer)
Crank toolkit solution provides a special environment for modeling and analysis of various types of engine systems in the Global Data and Component Builder system using SPM (Special Parametric Marker) and SPV (Special Parametric Value). By selecting the engine type and components in the system builder, users can define an overall structure and specify the connectivity between parts. Crank toolkitsolution also provides a technically intensive analysis environment to extract more accurate and fast analysis results about vibration characteristics and load information.
- Engine Type
- Straight
- V Type
- Horizontal
- Geometric Entities
- Engine block
- Crank shaft
- Connecting rod
- Piston
- Piston Pin
- Fly wheel
- Torsional damper
- Balancing shaft
- EDT (Equivalent Drive Train)
- Connector
- Engine mount
- Bearing (constraint bearing, bushing bearing, ball bearing, EHD bearing)
- Liner Connector (constraint type, cylinder contact type, surface contact type) Implementation for Empirical formula considering piston lubrication
- Balancing screw coupler
- RFlex Contact(Rigid to RFlex contact, RFlex to RFlex contact)
- Type of Crank Shaft
- Rigid type
- Torsional type
- Torsional+Bending type
- Beam type
- RFlex(FEM) type
- Gas Force (possible to input step function)
- Bundled with Bearing toolkit or Piston Toolkit
Piston toolkit solution provides analysis environment for only piston part. Therefore it has advantage to extract fast simulation result without burden of lots of components. Piston toolkit solution also provides environment to apply user defined boundary condition for crankshaft’s rotation and can analyze vibration characteristics and load information of piston system.
- Part modeling in Piston toolkit solution
- Engine block
- Connecting rod
- Piston
- Piston pin
- Connector of Piston toolkit solution
- Bearing (Constraint, Bushing, Ball, EHD)
- Liner Connecter (Constraint type, Cylinder contact type, Surface contact type)
-> Implementation for Empirical formula considering Piston Lubrication - Boundary condition(BC Position)
- RFlex Contact (Rigid to RFlex Contact, RFlex to RFlex contact)
- Gas Force(possible to input Step Function)
Valve toolkit solution provides a special environment for modeling and analysis of various types of valve train systems in the Global Data and Component Builder system using SPM (Special Parametric Marker) and SPV (Special Parametric Value). By selecting a type of valve system and components in the system builder, users can define an overall structure and specify connectivity between parts. Valve toolkit solution also provides a technically intensive analysis environment to extract more accurate and fast analysis results about vibration characteristics and load information.
Design model of automatic valve train
- Valve train types in Valve toolkits
- Direct-acting type
- Center-pivoted arm type
- End-pivoted arm type
- Push-rod and Center-pivoted arm type
- Part modeling of Valve toolkits
- Cam
- Cam shaft
- Cam shaft bearing
- Sprocket wheel
- Side stopper
- Side stopper wall
- Valve stem
- Valve guide
- Retainer
- Pad
- End cap
- Rocker/Swing arm
- Cam roller
- Cam roller shaft
- Cam roller shaft bearing
- Arm shaft
- Arm shaft bearing
- Push Rod
- Rod lifter
- Rod lifter guide
- Cylinder head
- Rocker / Swing Arm Type
- Rigid
- Torsional+Bending
- Beam
- RFlex (FEM)
- Cam Shaft Type
- Rigid
- Torsional
- Torsional+Bending
- Beam
- RFlex (FEM)
- Replacement of all parts with RFlex (RFlex Contract)
- Bundled with MMS toolkit or Chain toolkit
Multi-body Dynamics solution for Track System
Low mobility tracked vehicles simulation solution
Track_LM toolkit solution provides a full set of features and components for modeling low mobility tracked vehicles, such as construction equipment, earth moving equipment, forestry equipment, and etc. For these types of vehicles the focus of the design effort usually is vehicle capacity and stability, rather than mobility.
Track_LM toolkit solution analyzes the nonlinear dynamics of low mobility tracked vehicle with stable and strong suspension system connected by compliant force elements.
Track interaction with terrain and structural performance can also be analyzed easily.
- Link
- Single Flange, Double Flange, Center Flange, Flat Roller
- Roller Guard
- Sprocket with free changed profile
- 3D Contact between Link and Flange, Roller, Roller Guard, Sprockett
- Soil Model in using Bekker’s theory
- Standard Proving Ground library
- Optimized solver for high speed simulation
High mobility tracked vehicles simulation solution
Track_HM Toolkit solution consists of a set of special features and components for modeling high mobility tracked vehicles such as tanks and personnel carriers used in the military or recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles. For High Mobility tracked vehicles, the design goal is mobility rather than stability.
Track_HM toolkit was developed specifically to analyze the nonlinear dynamics of high mobility tracked vehicles with complex suspension systems. Oscillations that may occur during driving can be solved easily with the robust, state-of-the-art solver in our solution.
- Single, Double, Inner pin Link
- Single, Double Wheel
- Sprocket with freely changed profile
- 3D Contact between Links and Sprockets, wheels
- Soil Model in using Bekker’s theory
- Standard Proving Ground library
- Optimized solver for high speed simulation
Multi-body Dynamics simulation solution for Media Transport
MTT2D toolkit solution- Multi-body Dynamics simulation solution for 2D Media
MTT2D is a tool for modeling and solving 2D flexible media (paper, film, card, and so on) transport systems easily and quickly. MTT2D uses 2D flexible media system components to automates the entire process for kinematic/dynamic analysis, including contact problems. In addition MTT2D solves quickly because it optimizes the analysis process.
- Sheet, roller(fixed movable pair), and guide(linear arc circular) shape
- Automatic contact generation between sheet-roller guide (2D contact)
- Automatic contact generation between roller-roller (2D contact)
- Sheet-sheet contact (2D contact)
- Specialized 2D flexible media transport system solver (fast analysis through a specialized and optimized solver)
- Guide velocity function
- Soft-nip model
- Function for linear characteristics of friction force
- Modeling functions for curl and folding type sheets
- Distance Speed Event(ON/OFF) sensor
- NodalForce (sheet nodal force through a user-subroutine) for considering air resistance, suction, electrostatic force, and so on
- Automatic guide converter for CAD-shaped geometry (STEP, 2D-IGES )
MTT3D toolkit solution- Multi-body Dynamics simulation solution for 3D Media
MTT3D toolkit solution is a designed for modeling and solving 3D flexible media (paper, film, card, and so on) transport systems easily and quickly. MTT3D uses 3D flexible media system components to automates the entire process for kinematic/dynamic analysis, including contact problem. In addition to, MTT3D can perform fast solving by optimizing the analysis process.
- Sheet, roller(fixed·movable·pair), guide(plate·arc plate·cylinder) shape
- Automatic contact generation between Sheet-Roller·Guide (3D contact)
- Guide shape can be modeled by using 3D-CAD data and body surface data
- Automatic contact generation between roller-roller (3D contact)
- Specialized 3D flexible media transport system solver (fast analysis by specialized and optimized solver)
- Specialized sheet shell element
- Sheet material type (isotropic and orthotropic)
- Guide velocity function
- Soft-nip model
- Function for linear characteristics of friction force
- Modeling functions for curl, folding, and general surface type sheet
- Contour information for the displacement, stress and strain
- Nodal Output for the contact force, stress, and strain.
- NodalForce (sheet nodal force by user-subroutine) for consideration of air resistance, suction, electrostatic force, and so on.
Flexible-body Dynamics
Finite Element Flexible
FEAPro Engineering’s Multi-body Dynamics solution can perform the analysis with the MFBD(Multi Flexible Body Dynamics) model in which MBD(Multi Body Dynamics) model and FEM(Finite Element Method) model is mixed. MFBD can perform the analysis the rigid body motion and the flexible body motion simultaneously. For this simulation, the flexible body analysis is cooperated with the multibody analysis. In the MFBD product, there is two type of product, RFlex and FFlex. In the RFlex, the mode superposition method is used to analysis the linear system. In the FFlex, the full degree of freedom is used to analysis the linear and non linear system.
- Flexible analysis with the rigid body system is applied for the detailed deformation; the total system’s dynamic motion can be expressed with MBD.
- Analysis of dynamic stress and strain with system analysis.
- Analysis of dynamic and strain with timely varying inertia force
- Usage of FE model data made by external CAD and commercial mesher
- RFlex (Reduced Flex) and FFlex(Full Flex) solver in the MFBD solver
- Expression of RFlex body’s motion using the combination of the selected mode shape, made by Eigen analysis; Modal coefficient as the DOF and the scalar variable multiplied to the mode.
- Expression of FFlex body’s motion using the entire node’s DOF from meshed geometry.
Large flexible assemble simulation solution
Supper Element Flexible-Large flexible assemble simulation solution
FEAPro Engineering’s Large flexible assemble simulation solution also uses FE-models as flexible parts natively and because of an excellent reduction technique, the dynamics solution is approximately as fast as a rigid body solution.
With full parallel calculation solution, it can thus handle simulations of long time series of large FE-assemblies at the speed of normal multibody systems. This, together with our virtual strain gauges, makes it possible for Fatigue assessments.
CAD Integration Solution for data input
Parasolid based integration solution
In our CAD integration solution, Geometry can get from CAD system by *.x_t or *.x_b format directly without any geometry lost.
Direct pipe between MBD system and SolidWorks
Solid interface
Solid interface is a part and assembly CAD tool built on the SolidWorks OEM kernel.
It features an integration with MBD that makes it fast and convenient to create and update MBD models directly from the CAD assembly.
By utilizing the SolidWorks kernel as our platform, Solid interface is a state-of-the-art part and assembly modeler, that imports all major CAD formats natively. Solid interface has all the features of the parts and assembly modules of native SolidWorks.
From Solid interface the user can create, update and open an associated MBD model. By doing so
MBD launches with the correct model, and data is transmitted from Solid interface to MBD directly. No intermediate files are necessary