FEAPro Engineering 范吉仿真工程技术公司

WCNDT 2016 has been successfully held!

WCNDT 2016 has been successfully held!

The WCNDT 2016 in Munich was with 2,500 participants and further 1,400 additional exhibition visitors an exceptionally well attended World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing. 273 exhibitors from all over the NDT industries exhibited on 3,400 square metres their products and methods. A committee of internationally renowned researchers had evaluated approximately 1,000 proposed papers; finally, 670 presentationsin nine parallel sessions and more than 100 posters gave an overview about the latest research findings and applications in non-destructive testing.

Generous sponsorship of 25 well-known companies allowed for a sophisticated framework program including three evening events with outstanding service and a cultural program, all of which excited visitors from all over the world.

点击次数:  更新时间:2016-07-06  【打印此页】  【关闭