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Abstract submissions due:
The following topics are solicited for abstracts, but not limited to:
All submissions should be proofread carefully as each abstract will be published as submitted. Please indicate the session name in the subject line of your e-mail and a contact name and phone number for communicating acceptance status.
The 2010 Directions in Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Research (DEER) Conference will be held at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan, from September 27-30, 2010. DEER 2010 is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Vehicle Technologies (OVT) and is DOE's primary mechanism for the public exchange of state-of-the-art combustion engine research and development. The range of R&D to be covered at DEER 2010 will include diesel engine-efficiency and emissions research along with more presentations and posters on homogeneous charge compression ignition, gasoline direct-injection technology, and alternative fuels.
DOE will showcase its cooperatively funded R&D with its partners, national laboratories, the Nation's passenger and commercial transportation industry, universities, and other national and international organizations. DEER fosters the exchange of information and best practices through presentations and posters from new and on-going engine R&D and networking with industry colleagues.
Presentations and posters will be selected by an open competition. Abstract submissions are due by Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Authors will be notified by Thursday, July 1, 2010, regarding acceptance. We are soliciting one-page abstracts from which a team of leading principal investigators in the field of engine research will select 60 20-minute oral-only presentations to be given in the sessions below. We will also be selecting an additional 75 abstracts for 2-minute poster presentations, followed by a poster sessions during the evening receptions.
The use of company logos or trade names should be avoided on any audio-visual aids used in conjunction with your DEER 2010 presentation. Presentations at the DEER conference are intended to discuss technical issues with the audience. Commercialization is not permitted. Your company affiliation will be included in your introduction.
At the top right-hand corner of the abstract:
For further submission instructions, frequently asked questions, and to submit your abstract, please see the 2010 DEER Conference information on the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Web site. Please e-mail any questions to deerabstracts@orise.orau.gov.
Abstract submission process:
Margaret Lyday
Conference agenda and technical content:
John Fairbanks, DEER 2010 Technical Chair
Conference registration and logistics:
C.J. Stermer, Registration Manager