FEAPro Engineering|范吉仿真

FEDEM--Full Flex Multi-body Dynamics Systerm


In Fedem users can assemble all their information of the structural and mechanical properties of a product, to create a complete virtual model.

The simulation produces all the results you need to get a complete understanding of the mechanical behaviour of the model. 


FEDEM Front End Modules

The Fedem front end is a modelling and postprocessing environment from which the Fedem Solvers are launched and controlled. This powerful set of modules provides the user interface of Fedem which is designed for easy navigation through complex models, events and results, keeping the connection between model and results as tight as possible.


FedemSolid is our optional CAD modeling add-on. Built on SolidWorks it makes it easy to import and prepare CAD assemblies for use with Fedem. Assemblies are directly transferred to the Modeler for further modeling of joints and events. Read more ...


The modeler is the core of the user interface utilizing 3D graphics, navigation tools and property sheets to help the user to assemble the model. The components can be finite element models importet from nastran BDF, CAD geometry imported through our CAD intregration or from VRML-files, or simply defined by coordinates and mass properties only. All kind of linear/non-linear joints, springs, dampers etc, which constitutes your mechanism, are created in the modeler, visualized, and described. Functions are created or imported as x,y columns. Event description, loads & displacements, are defined in the modeler along with the solver set-up.

Control system builderEmbedded control system editor

A fully graphical control system design board embedded in the modeler. Any number of control feed-back loops can be created and plugged in to the simulated mechanical system.

Structural post processor


Von Mises, max Principals and other results can be recovered and displayed for any time interval with any step size. System modes are also available. Summary plots can be produced to assess maximum stress values occurring during a given time interval or fatigue damage/life.

Curve plotter & analyser


Embedded curve plotting

The curve plotter displays results from dynamical simulation on-the-fly. All loads and motions and many other results can be monitored, manipulated and exported. FFT, scaling and statistics are some of the functionality in the curve plotter.

Fedem Solvers

FE reducer

FEDEM's advanced model reducer reduces the DOF's of the Finite Element models to only include DOF's required. The combined static and dynamics reduction ensures a physically correct behavior of the reduced models.  The system determines automatically which DOF's to retain and which to remove.

Dynamic solver

The dynamic solver solver performs the non-linear dynamics for the time interval and time step size required by the user. When using add-on modules like the tire interface, the solver runs in conjunction with the external solver.

Stress/Strain recovery

The recovery modules can be run after the dynamic simulation. Recovery means mapping nodal displacement from the reduced system back onto the full system, or parts of the full system, in order to investigate structural results.


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